Scribe Academy

Have you always wanted to write a book, but have no idea where or how to start? That great idea is in your head, but you just can’t manage to get it down on paper.
more than 99% of students rate this course content and results as Super

Have you always wanted to write a book, but have no idea where or how to start? That great idea is in your head, but you just can’t manage to get it down on paper.

I’m horrible with grammar and punctuation!!

Learn the basics of writing to get you that much closer to that great American novel. Or if you want to have a tool to go along with your seminars to establish yourself as the expert that you are!!

Start With Our Basic Writing Course Today!!

Our courses

What do you want to learn today?

Basic Writing Course

Learn the basics of writing to get you that much closer to that great American novel.

Master Writing Course

The expansion on The 5 Elements of a Story (The Who, What, When, Where, and How). The Who: Characters & Characterization, Character Arc, Character Dialogue, etc.

Scribe Academy Launch Writing Workshop

With the official launch of the Scribe Academy, we are launching this 5 week (5 Saturday) LIVE online writing course. This course will be power-packed and hands-on, expanding on topics from Plotting, Outlining, Grammar, Character Development, and much more. Through student discussions, we will also deal with the students' one-on-one writing concerns and struggles. Coming Spring 2023

Courses Coming Soon...

Basics of the Prophetic & Prophetic Mantles

Coming Soon...

Spiritual Warfare / Angel & Demonology

Coming Soon...

Prophetic Dreams & Visions

Coming Soon...